Category Archives: Planning

Reclaiming What I Was

I used to be a teacher who blogged to reflect on her practice.

I used to be a teacher who had a PLN of individuals throughout the world with whom to share and create ideas.

I used to be a teacher who read the latest posts on her favorite blogs to glean new and fun ideas for classroom use.

I used to be a teacher who wanted to use technology because it was cool and flashy and it would suck the kids into my more serious lessons.

I used to be a teacher who wanted to integrate technology because it was for the benefit of the student, not just a new flashy tool.

I used to be a teacher who loved lesson planning, because I got to experiment with new ideas and try new strategies.

I used to be a teacher who kept up on all the latest in education “research” to run my ideas through.

I used to be a teacher who got excited about planning for a new year, new week, new unit, new lesson.

I used to be…

and I NOW I CHOOSE to return to being that teacher.

(more on WHY I am not that teacher in a future post)

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